I was pretty disturbed when I found this along the stem and up some of the branches. Can anyone identify this? I am afraid it's a fungus, and that I'm going to be out of luck with my tomatoes this year, because I don't want to INTRODUCE a disease to the soil. Anyone who can offer help would be appreciated! I can "scratch" this off with my finger nail, and it almost feels gel-like, watery almost.
Click on any of these to enlarge
Also, we're getting unrelentless storms this week. Here's a picture of the hail from today...
I got to garden with another friend right before the onslaught of this storm. I'm really excited about how cute her garden is going to be! I love how beneficial having a "trend" like gardening can be!
Oh no, I'm not sure what is plaguing your tomato plants. You might want to check with your local ag extension office. I hope it's nothing serious and that those plants can be saved. Wow, those hail stones are huge! I would not want to get pelted with that!
ReplyDeleteHave you tried bringing them out in the air more or separating them so they don't touch? Air flow can greatly decrease any fungus. Yikes I'm sorry to hear about this, so much work you did!
ReplyDeleteI can't really find anything online that looks like this. My tomatoes have some yellowing leaves that I've been attributing to overwatering. But a lot of the plants that have this look fabulous.
ReplyDeleteI just noticed them looking like this today, and have only had them inside these past three days due to bad weather/lower temperatures. They may do well being separated.
I just don't know if I should NOT plant them, to try to keep from spreading any disease into my soil. I was hoping to put them into the ground tomorrow. Anyone think I should avoid this? (I bought 4 back ups today at Lowe's for $.50 a piece, which was a great deal with the size of these plants!)
Why don't you join Gardenweb and post these photos in the Tomato forum?
Hmm...never seen that before. Hopefully you'll find an answer for it..
ReplyDeleteIf it's a fungus, you might want to spray them with some chamomile tea and see if they spots go away in a couple of days.
ReplyDeleteGranny- I'm going to have to do that. It's not all of the tomatoes at least...
ReplyDeleteEG- Well if YOU haven't seen it...
Katie- I'm going to have to learn how to MAKE it to spray it! Thanks for the advice!
Megan, just go to the grocery store and buy chamomile tea in the tea bags. I've also used corn meal spray for fungus diseases, and it seems to work well. From GardenWeb:
ReplyDeleteOne cup of grocery store cornmeal to a gallon of water. Here is the important part...let this mixture stand until is has a sweet, yeasty odor. This could take from 12 hours up to 2 days. Keep sniffing! Then strain carefully. I use a very fine strainer first and then pour all through a coffee filter so the liquid does not clog my sprayer. Unused spray cannot be saved as this combination spoils quickly. Pour any leftovers around a plant.
Also and very important...cornmeal treatment should begin on plants such as tomatoes which you know are prone to fungus problems after seedlings reach the second leaf stage and continue every second week through the growing season.
I have not experimented with a 'trifecta' method of combining cornmeal tea, milk and aspirin in one spray. That is an idea for some of you to trial next year.
Personally, I'd add the aspirin (? how many ?) and a bit of milk (1 part milk to 10 parts liquid).
I'm with the "I don't have a clue" crowd. Thank you to Annie's Granny though, I'm looking for ways to combat our own problems! Do post an update.