Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This is my second year gardening.

I should have done this last year. I probably don't have time for it this year. Though I do spend a considerable amount of time reading other peoples' ramblings about their gardens. My camera broke just as many of my seedlings were sprouting last year, and so I just didn't get around to setting one up.My garden was so messy last year that I would have been embarrassed to share pictures of it anyhow.
I suffer from extreme cabin fever in January, and spent gobs of time planning that garden, and starting seedlings, and once June/July rolled around I was outside running, and doing other things, and I pretty much neglected a lot of my garden, even though we were always excited to eat from it!

I'm excited to have a fresh start this year, although I assume not a whole lot will change in the messy aspect. We'll see.

Here are a few pictures from this season.
The two compost piles/turtle pen and Heidi, along with the gross amounts of trash outside our yard from living off of a busy street.
Other end of garden, and new garden bed in the side yard. This is where I'll grow my strawberries which is another first. The dirt came from Christmas presents this year.
The garden, after we dug it, and I planted my peas, spinach, lettuce, and onions. I'm attempting all of these from seeds outside this year.

One of my 90 some tomato seedlings I started. I was pretty ambitious this year in attempting to start lots for friends in hopes that I'll save them some money, and pass off my love for gardening.
Six of our seven box turtles that we had to dig out of the back compost pile so that I could use some of the compost for the garden before I planted.
All of my seeds I ordered. My first year to order seeds and get catalogs. Definitely gets you through those cold months!
The garden in January covered in snow.

One of the compost piles on top of the garden.

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